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Whitleynet is one of the largest online repositories for cemetery and grave records from all available historical sources. Resources include burials and details on final dispositions for more than 130 million people.

All Nationwide Cemeteries

All Nationwide Cemeteries
We work with all the local and national cemeteries across the country that share the names of their memorials.

Links to Related Family

Links to Related Family
Whitleynet records include links to full parent, spouse, sibling, children and other family relative listings whenever possible.

Complete Burial Records

Complete Burial Records
Birth dates, death certificates, pictures of grave stones, official obituaries and final resting locations and more.

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Find the graves of ancestors

You can search by a relative’s name, browse cemeteries, or review all the cemeteries in a specific state.

Many memorial records include details of military service, religious affiliations, photos of the deceased, pictures of headstones, death certificates, and grave records.

Whitleynet should be your first stop for all your genealogical research.